Seeing Michael Wilbon on NBA telecasts always feels like the answer to “Which one of these doesn’t belong?” The dude has zero credibility (just like Tony Kornheiser in the MNF booth) and it was nice to see him get called out by Stan Van Gundy.
I fear Miguel Cotto is gradually morphing into Ricardo Mayorga. Dude just takes way too many punches.
Jeff Van Gundy coined a tremendous term during the NBA Finals in describing the head-shaking actions of guys like Rasheed Wallace and Nate Robinson: “emotionally drunk.” He then referred to Robinson as “effervescent,” which I believe is French for “unstable gangster and dribbler.” On a side note, lump “Big Baby” Davis into that crowd as well; you would have a hard time convincing me that he isn’t at least a little retarded.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has noticed that Joe Montana is doing a lot of really stupid fucking commercials lately. The question is “Why?”
I like Rajan Rondo and all, but folks gotta settle down in talking about him as the top point guard out there. Until he can take and make an open 17-footer, he has no business even being in the conversation. You NEVER see a guard dared to take that shot in the NBA, so it is shocking to see how far off him teams play.
I miss Hunter S. Thompson for this and many other reasons. I just do.
Also in watching the NBA Finals, it struck me how very similar Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods are. Great as players, complete douches as people. In my opinion, both are eminently unlikeable if you have a soul.
Hey PR flaks for “Jonah Hex”: Why did it take you so long to realize that Megan Fox is in your movie? It’s almost like you decided a few weeks into your campaign that it would be cool to sell some tickets. “Hey, we have a chick in this flick that’s so hot that she is not of this planet, but let’s show a lot of clips of Josh Brolin made up as Edward James Olmos instead.” Crikey.
I’ve never seen Alexi Lalas and Glen Hansard in the same place at the same time.
At the end of an internal war over whether I should begin watching the NBA season during the Finals, I watched most of the Lakers-Celtics series. And I came away thinking, “Oh, yeah … THAT’S why I hate the NBA …”
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