Handed a national championship team on a silver platter
Yet chose to gamble, pursue counterfeiting and get even fatter
This is the story of rocket-armed and rock-brained Ryan Perrilloux
At LSU, his name was always followed by “Now what did he do?”
At least now we won’t have to hear about his arrests and other Internet chatter
No doubt, Tom Friedman is a colossal prick
No one falls for his bombastic schtick
Yet his column about energy policy was right on
A Hillary-McCain merger shows common sense is gone
Petty bickering as the clock on our planet goes tick, tick
Fox News is more used to hot water than a sauna
The latest involving putting up an image that was wrong-a
Can’t tell the difference between Frederick and Stephen Douglas at a squint
Well, you insufferable, uneducated jackasses, here’s a hint:
Frederick is the other black guy you’d attack racially, like Obama
Never thought that San Andreas could be topped
But Grand Theft Auto IV just recently popped
And it’s supposedly even better than GTA 3
Now that’s something that I’d really like to see
Looks like GTA is a franchise that just can’t be stopped
Jumping from a house to a small pool
Is that part of ACL rehab, you tool?
Tyler’s “will” apparently thought he could fly
As frat row was accosted by a flopping guy
No wonder he’s 30 and still needs to stay in school

Last time …
Yup. Complete moron pissing away chance after chance. Even though I dont know who our QB will be just glad it wont be Perrilaxative.
BTW, I realize that I misspelled "jambalaya" as "jumbalaya." But somehow that seems fitting in this case ...
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