R.I.P. to Wake Forest’s Skip
Was always quick with a quip
A great leader for every Demon Deac
Once led Wake to the ACC’s peak
Taken so early, it just seems like a gyp
‘Fins training camp starting today
Not really optimistic, but what the hey
Have a new coach who isn’t a dildo
A new quarterback who knows how to throw
Just want them to play hard as hell and make other teams pay
Tim Donaghy cheated the NBA
Hard to notice because the game’s so blasé
Has bigger problems than outraged fans
Has to avoid the mob burying him in trash cans
Tony Soprano and the crew will make him rue his ratting day
Hillary vs. Obama on the campaign trail
Head-to-head competition doesn’t ever fail
Hillary has to defend her changing war stance
Obama has to prove he’s deserving of the chance
Neither could do worse than the prez who should be in jail
He hides behind a computer at home
Rapidly losing hair off the top of his dome
Loves PerezHilton.com and gossips like a 13-year-old girl
So nervous about poor Lindsay it almost makes him hurl
Misses former co-worker romances so much it makes his mouth foam
Last week ...
Another State player driving drunk,
Cary water drinkers sayin', "This tastes like shit, I think I've been punk'd",
anonymous sitting home watching gay midget porn movies,
wondering why his dick is as small as hs wife's boobies,
and why her beaver smells more like a skunk.
Another Friday moving so slow
Can't wait to close my computer and go
working on a project i think you might like
as brent already asked its not about porn or dykes
although it'd probably be better no?
Heading home after three weeks on the road
To Holiday Inn I'm nothing more then a bar code
Touring the road is not like being a rock star
More like boring biz talk at a crappy bar
My car's been at RDU so much it may be towed
Hmmm, Casie working on a project undercover
Something cool if we were to discover
Does it have something to do with beer?
Or a site for Literace called "Am I Queer?"
I used to hate it when Lizard Eyes came by my computer to hover
Will making Zao his own Jed
Than chaining him up to his basement bed
Dreaming about my own wife
Tho he hasn't kissed a girl in his life
On other Jaycees he practices giving head
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