Monday, February 22, 2021

Day 344, Quasi-Quarantine: Karabast -- Zeb Is Here!


One of my favorite "Star Wars Rebels" characters is Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, the Lasat warrior. Unfortunately, the rarity of his Lego minifigure is such that insane prices abound for his procurement.

A workaround was found, however. Somehow, someone was selling "just" Zeb's head, at a (to me, anyway) reasonable price. I jumped on the deal, then set about trying to replicate the appearance of Zeb's official minifigure.

I tracked down a yellow torso/leg combination (origin unknown), then removed the arms and replaced with flesh-colored appendages. Using the head as a model, I found a similarly purple color in our craft kit and proceed to paint the arms to match. 

As a bonus, I colored his "feet" the same color since Zeb is a bare-footer. And I found an instruction guide to the set he comes with and was able to re-create his weapon from spare parts.

Now, touch-ups will likely be needed, as running missions with Zeb invariably chips off some of the paint. However, I couldn't be more thrilled with how the disparate parts came together in hacking a bonafide Zeb.

"Karabast," indeed!

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