Monday, February 01, 2021

Day 323, Quasi-Quarantine: Knights Of Ren Transport Ship Offers A Welcome Surprise

I'll admit that the Knights of Ren Transport Ship (set 75284) was a largely forgettable aspect of "The Rise of Skywalker" for me. However, my building partner was thrilled to land this set for Christmas, and against my best efforts, I found myself swept up in the enthusiasm.

Surprisingly, this set feels reasonably priced (~$70) despite being only 595 pieces and coming with three minifigures. 

Granted, those minifigures are heavy hitters, with two Knights of Ren that feature new helmets, plus a Rey with a lightsaber. Having each Knight of Ren have a distinctive look across multiple sets is a very cool feature that feels extra from Lego.

As for the ship itself, its sleek presentation is aided by the use of skis underneath to convey a "hover effect." The cockpit areas are cleverly created, if small, and two spring-loaded shooters are always welcomed.

The rear thrusters are well designed, and there is some flexibility built into the design on both the side (pivoting wings/stabilizers) and front (grill-like foil element). The exposed hosing along the sides adds a hydraulic touch that speaks to the utilitarian feel of the transport.

On the down side, there is little to no visibility into the "guts" of the ship, and the scale of size between minifigures and vehicle itself feels a little off. The hidden compartment is a nice feature, but even though it is described as a prisoner hold in the set description, that's not readily apparent in the build.

All told, this is an appropriate and welcomed addition to the bad-guy vehicle collection, and through sheer design and visual representation, it's very clearly intended for evil use. 

While we could have done with a bit more intricacy on the interior of the build and perhaps a droid added to the mix, the Knights of Ren Transport ship turned out to be a bit cooler than anticipated -- always a great component of a Lego set.

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