Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Day 332, Quasi-Quarantine: Mental And Deadly "Red Rock" Simply Won't Let Go


As someone who's been tearing through British crime dramas, I don't totally recall how "Red Rock" landed on my plate. But I'm now fully immersed in this never-ending series set in a fictional town near Dublin.

How to describe "Red Rock"? It's a procedural soap opera populated with flawed main characters, irresistible Irish lasses, stunning brogues, mind-numbingly repetitious mistakes, and isle-sized plot holes. Yet I cannot look away.

The pacing is stellar, as each episode runs 22 minutes, with mini three-episode (or so) arcs stacked atop some compelling through-lines. I recently completed season 1's staggering 80 episodes, and season 2 features 80 more, with season 3 totally slacking off at 70 epis.

It's a series not worth overthinking, and best to enjoy the craic and ignore the dodgy bits while you root for shifting with wagons in pubs, chasing skangers into their kips, and pursuing chancers while on obbo. All while downing a scoop o' Guinness.

Yes, I'd say this series hits me where I live.

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