Friday, November 09, 2012

Limerick Friday LXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: Moving Forward, On (Almost) Every Level

Fostering voter confusion
Just part of the Republican delusion
A lesson learned for everyone
That nothing good was ever won
By preaching hate and exclusion

Against a rival, they played scared
Never energetic or prepared
A golden opportunity lost
Just whose job will it cost?
Dreams of better? State fans dared

During a terrifying prison raid
T-Dog jumped on the grenade
Lori learned the meaning of mother
Gave her life for a new other
An emotional “Walking Dead” in spades

A team full of Pro Bowlers on loan
Except that they can’t find the end zone
Lose to guys named Mikel LeShoure
Make you wonder what it’s all for
Fantasy football makes you laugh, then moan

Jokes, they’ve been hard to find
Focus hasn’t been on my mind
Writing has been a chore
Has never been an issue before
Sudden loss is so unkind

Forgive the hiatus

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