Dear sAnta Klaus,
All I wanT for Chrismas thIs Yeer is a Greg Caramel-Armadillo jerzee. He wEars nummer 83 and hE scored a TouchDown for MIaMi yesterday. My dAddy alWayS puts a bad worD that starts with the big F letter in front of when he Sez MIaMi. And then sometimes when I fall down On the GrounD and gets dizzy, he will Call me TrenT GREEN. I do’nT no what for shor That Meens. But dAddy also sed ThaT was Our first GodDamm win Of the Yeer, too. So he Was VEry haPPy with BeeR, Than he Went Pee outSide an Than hE thrEw up in FiDo’s doGGy Bowl.

Thanx you for bringin Me A New Jerzee. Also, pleez fire Mr. Cameroon from The SideLine. Becuz he sucks a lot and He looks Like Alf’s dAddy On tHe TV.
TiMMy the Dolfin FaN
P.S. Is It reaLLy true ThaT the Patriots aRe cheeters? Becuz MiSS WilkinS at schooL said that we should'NT cheet. An also, Than why come theRe coach LooKs LiKe the homeLess guy Who lives Neer my Bus Stop an is alWayZ aSKing to Give A Wejjie an alWays Saying thAT Henrry KiSSinger sTole HiS DiaPers? If they aRe cheeters, pleez bring TheM jus COAL thIs YeeR.
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