Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Don’t Overthink It: Just Watch “Avatar” As A Visual Spectacle

Sure, there were references to a “Force” that reeked of Jedi mind tricks. Yes, there was a woefully awkward Naboo mating scene. Of course, it was way too long. Absolutely, there was a blatant “Braveheart” ripoff moment near the end. Naturally for a James Cameron-directed movie, the characters were largely wooden, one-dimensional and comic-bookish. There were even way-too-easy “Alien” jokes made possible by the casting of Sigourney Weaver.

Despite these obstacles, however, “Avatar” was an enjoyable watch. This flick still persevered as a valid commentary on the military and an ecological statement, and the underrated Giovanni Ribisi as Parker Selfridge (subtle naming there) was an inspired casting choice.

The overbearing fingerprints of director James Cameron were everywhere, but in the end, there is no denying the spectacular power of special effects in this genre. The immersive, Second Life-ish stuff was also really cool.

While nine Academy Award nominations does seem excessive, the backlash against “Avatar” comes largely from those who read a bit too much into it. When taken at its surface level (and with coffee and NoDoz in hand), this is a fun flick that draws you in as a spectacle ... moreso than a legitimate statement.

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