Wednesday, June 15, 2011

“Toy Story 3” Leads To Laughs, Howls … And Soiled Diapers?

So, I’m not sure what events in my life befell in such a way that I ended up watching “Toy Story 3,” but I’ll just skip over all of that part and admit that I loved it. But to be fair, I can also see why some kids were scared relatively shitless by it (my nephew included). For small kids, it does manage to walk that fine line between exciting and terrifying.

Anyone familiar with the daycare environment will appreciate the hilarity that ensues once the gang gets shipped off to one of these kiddie mills as Andy is heading off to college. It’s a coming-of-age movie in some ways, with some very cool elements, including a touching scene when Andy gives the toys to a youn girl and essentially teaches her “how” to play with them.

You probably know the rest, as “Toy Story 3” isn’t exactly a flick geared toward a lot of analysis or introspection. But it’s really good—and these days, that is way more than enough.

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