The Patsies have perfected the art of spying
They’ve also cornered the market on lying
Belichick constantly rocks a dirty hoody
Brady is a butt-chin-having goody-goody
Team program says “If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying”
Oil’s checking in at an all-time high once again
$80 per barrel if you’re ready to fill your sedan
If the price rises much more
Bush’ll try to start another war
Why develop other fuels when you can just invade Iran
Never hear his name again, or so I’d think
Like a lizard, we never once saw him blink
Now up pops an invite on LinkedIn
From that chick who liked pirates, plus him
One of those in charge when that rat-fink ship did sink
The Office has returned just as groovy
Dwight’s forehead still like a drive-in movie
The temp’s rocking a five o’clock shadow
Hope the Jim-Pam storyline doesn’t sink the show
Michael Scott carries them all, it’s easy to see

Britney had a well-publicized failed comeback
Wishes she had Madonna’s tongue back
She got knocked for her noticeable spare tire
Looked like a he-she on Ventura for hire
Seems like only yesterday we salivated over her fake rack
Last time ...
woo hoo limerick Friday is back
equals unproductivity and work slipping through the crack
will brent make an appearance today
or is he preoccupied with another little one on the way
maybe will can pick up the slack
steve foster is missing urchin said
that's funny cause he wrote the blog post I just read
scooter is back to being funny
I hope paul writes soon about picking up honeys
glad to know everyone is not dead
Brent's sitting back drinking Snapple
Thinking about another stem on an apple
He doesn't want Literace's old job
But he's tired of being an at-home slob
Even if he has to work for Chinless again, he doesn't give a crap-ple
Paul can't pick up honnies to save his life
Two dates flaked out this month, out of five
Having random luck with the ladies lately
I think I just need to get my more education, maybe
Just bought a book on hitting on women, without the possibility of a wife.
Short Round picked up a book called Bang
Will went to a dildo party and gave himself a bang-gang
Brando chilllin at home like Honkey Knocker
Casey practicing her donkey punch waitin for someone to rock her
Will gave Zao a booty call, Zao showed up and said, "You rang?"
Anonymous is somewhat amusing
Don't know what kinda drugs he's using
Why does he keep calling me short or round?
I bet in comparison, he's closer to the ground.
I bet he's never even met me, from the random conclusion he's choosing.
I see Anonymous has crawled back out of the gutter
Must be tired of covering himself in butter
Have you gotten a freaking job yet?
Still weeping from your "home office," I bet
Your Short Round jokes are even making Paul mutter
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