Recently, the American Mustache Institute (I didn’t make that up) hosted a vote on the best sports mustache of all time. Bouyed by the popularity gained by his ability to identify the second spitter on Seinfeld while also being the last person ever to get away with a nickname like “Mex,” Keith Hernandez was the runaway winner.
It appears that this news has now reached Chapel Hill. Apparently feeling that wearing pansy blue and being a kicker wasn’t Tinker Bell-ish enough, Connor Barth decided to celebrate his senior season by impersonating Freddie Mercury for a year.

By growing a horrific ‘stache that would even frighten Thomas Magnum, he soared past former Denver Broncos quarterback Jake Plummer for worst sports moustache ever. I mean, Barth looks like he should be spending his time at practice looking over his shoulder to see if Chris Hansen of To Catch A Predator is walking his way.
However, the honor could be short-lived: the second Kyn Magee joins a Glamour Shots-sponsored bowling team, he is certain to wrest the title away from Barth. Until then, you can catch Barth singing “Another One Bites The Dust” at He’s Not Here every Wednesday at 10 p.m.
1 comment:
the lead singer of WINGER!!!!!!!
i'm keith hernandez - the movie
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