Friday, January 07, 2022

Limerick Friday #530: The Sublime Brilliance Of "Station Eleven" -- Day 664

Pondering hell and heaven
An interesting character or seven
A really good book
But a show that needs a look
Go watch "Station Eleven"

A democracy limiter
A fairness and partisan alienator
Society held hostage by a 'neck
Joe Manchin, what the heck
Sad to rely on a West Virginia senator

Tried to play the heel role
Then get beaten like you stole
Dissed Reynolds as small
Set yourself up for a fall
Now climb back in your chapel hole

Djokovic calls vaxes bossy
So he decided to get saucy
Tried to write his own rule
'Til a country did school
Never wished more to be an Aussie

A lighthouse and beer
Avoiding every peer
Football on the dunes
Healing under moons
At night, waves I still hear

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