Friday, July 31, 2020

Limerick Friday #474: RIP John Lewis, Democracy -- Day 138

He signed up for pain double

To pop the segregation bubble
With his final plea
John Lewis set us free
And inspired us all with good trouble

Dimensions did collide

Separate lives unified
A truth revolution
A beautiful resolution
"Dark" overwhelmed and terrified

Legos, beach, and State

With the occasional Teenymate
Boy, can he go, go, go
With a blanket in tow
Can he really be eight?

Baseball is back, in a way

A much-shorter season they'll play
Even shorter than expected
If Marlins keep getting infected
The Mets will disappoint either way

Lies, distractions, and crock

Ignorance to the point of shock
Our government's a wreck
With no balance or check
We're the world's laughingstock

Last time ...

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