Thursday, July 23, 2020

Day 130, Quasi-Quarantine: Death Star Set Captures Key Scene In First Star Wars Flick

The Death Star Cannon is a small but formidable set that represents an iconic moment -- and one of my favorites -- in Star Wars: A New Hope.

In addition to the cannon, the build includes a tractor beam control tower with a minor but creative mechanism that lets Obi-Wan Kenobi disable it. 

The laser cannon itself rotates and can swivel up and down, manned by the Death Star gunner. The cannon features a spring-loaded shooter, in addition to a storage clip for additional missles.

One of the highlights of this set is Kenobi, whose absence was a major oversight in our minifigure collection. He is well-bearded, with a flowing robe and lightsaber, serene yet determined.

This set checks in at just 160 pieces, but it can (and should) be connected to other small sets and creations to help build out the Death Star, room by room. In particular, it fits well with the Death Star Escape set that we already owned.

Taken by itself, this build is not overwhelming in its presentation, nor is it asked to be. When added a centerpiece to a larger scene, it's a beaut, and the reality is that there simply aren't many sets that Lego offers in the $15 price range. 

So if you stretch your mind and look beyond what's on the box, you can turn it into something stellar. After all, as Obi-Wan himself says, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes."

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