Friday, June 07, 2013

Limerick Friday LXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVI: Sweeping The Hated Yanks A Rare Bright Spot For Mets, Plus Joan Steals The Show (As Usual) On “Mad Men”

Four times they faced the Yanks
And they came up with four spanks
For the Metsies, a sweet sweep
From the Bronx, nary a peep
For a light in a lost season, many thanks

He cracked on Catholics with glee
And he’s a Mormon? I see
The latest Buckeyes prick
Pulled a self-disappearing trick
Enjoy “retirement,” Gordon Gee

Another fake-tough-guy tool
Trying too hard to be cool
Then he refused to handshake
As the Heat left him in their wake
Hibbert, just one more poser fool

Had sacks of quarterback bones
Filled foes with whimpers and moans
One of the faces of the NFL
A demon of pass-rushing hell
Rest in peace, Mr. Deacon Jones
Power struggles abounded
Don on hash nearly drownded
Roger got punched in the beans
Joan got a client with forward leans
Turmoil everywhere, the alarms sounded

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