Monday, January 08, 2024

Day 1,393, Quasi-Quarantine: Wrapping Up The Star Wars Lego Advent Calendar For Another Year


As the days left in the runup to Christmas dwindled, the drama left in the Star Wars Lego Advent Calendar dissipated quickly. With so many spoilers on the calendar box and so few days left, the opportunities for surprise were few and far between.

While the first and second weeks honored "The Bad Batch," "Mandalorian," and "Clone Wars," the third and fourth weeks were Endor-intense -- and that didn't change in the fifth and final week.

Day 21: Emperor's throne
Day 22: Imperial Star Destroyer
Day 23: Ewok glider
Day 24: Holiday Ewok

The throne was pretty basic, but was a complementary piece to Day 20's minifigure. The star destroyer was a minimalist version that disappointed a number of fans, but it felt clever to me in the sense that it felt like Lego designers challenged themselves to use the least possible number of pieces they could to evoke the monolith destroyer. 

The glider was a cool accessory, and the predictable-but-phenomenal Ewok was a perfect way to wrap up this year's calendar.

Overall, this was another very strong effort by the Lego team this year. I do think the calendar should have included at least one more minifigure, and while I understood the anniversary-fueled focus on "Return of the Jedi," it did feel a little constraining. 

A fun inclusion like a Salacious B. Crumb with an elf hat or a Bib Fortuna with a candy-cane-striped tentacle could have still been tributes to "Return of the Jedi" while adding a bit of festive flair to the proceedings.

Something to think about in future years, maybe. May the Twenty-Force Be With You!

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