Friday, May 27, 2022

Limerick Friday #546: Words Fail, Hypocrisy Prevails -- Day 804

Unthinkable pain
Collusion insane
In our darkest hours
Racist cowards
Republicans: our country's stain

Injuries begin to roll
Taking their toll
And after a year in Queens
Lindor still can't hit for beans
Let's hope this Mets team has soul

Rich old crooks
Cooking the books
'Tis primary season
Ignorance beyond reason
Just as corrupt as it looks

A show that grew and grew
Until no one knew what to do
Ruthie redeemed a lot
But "Ozark" sunk under its own plot
With an ending that made me want to boo

Bloodstained mops
Babysat by spineless cops
They hid outside
While kids screamed and cried
The coverup just never stops

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