Monday, June 01, 2020

Day 78, Quasi-Quarantine: Turning Tiny Parts Into A Rebel Landing Pad

Let's continue on our personal pandemic quest involving Legos, because why the hell not, right? 

Using the "LEGO Star Wars Ideas Book" mentioned in a post about Echo Base, I created a landing pad that features the Rebel logo.

The hardest part was finding enough small plate pieces in the right colors to carry the design to the forefront. Ensuring there was enough bracing on the undercarriage to support movement was another challenge, but the end result is a sturdy, aesthetically pleasing build.

This landing pad adds yet another element to the sprawling Echo Base, bringing some color overall and providing an area for small starships to land. If I can find enough similar pieces, we'll eventually create a Resistance partner build as well.

Because -- again -- this is who I am now.

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