Friday, April 05, 2013

Limerick Friday LXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVIII: The Metsies, Because Baseball, Plus “TWD” Wraps Up A Season Of “Meh”

Another season? Sure, let’s
The Amazin’s give me Tourette’s
Baseball is back with a whimper
Expectations we must temper
What’s the magic number for the Mets?

Got fans cryin’ and heavin’
Cause a coupla dudes leavin’
Coming off 24 wins
Recruiting season re-begins
Relax and start believin’

Ed Rush a lying skunk
Mike Rice a bullying punk
One put a bounty on Miller
The other dodgeballed like Stiller
Kick both to the curb like shitty junk

Connecticut sent out a release
Harsh gun laws passed with ease
A promising day for common sense
Not bowing to NRA dollars and cents
Who’s the next state to choose peace?
The Governor went Jim Jones and how
But why abandon Woodbury now?
Andrea joined the dead not risen
“Cocoon” is coming to the prison
A season finale without a factor of wow

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