Friday, July 05, 2019

Limerick Friday #453: The Staggering Genius of Flowers, Plus A Hole Where Fantasy Football Used To Be

Humor that only empowers
Drama that brings tears like showers
The brutalities of mental illness
Shattering the English stillness
The sublime brilliance of "Flowers"

After a decade, the story kept livin'
Despite pettiness and relationships riven
"Deadwood" returned intact
HBO's best ensemble cast, a fact
At the first Swearingen curse, all forgiven 

A staggering heat makes you number
As you mow to the tunes of Joe Strummer
You hit the pool and the beach
To camps and meets out of reach
All for a porch beer: This is summer

It returned just like it came
Amid subtitles and mystery and flame
A second season dropped out of the sky
Like a time travelin', cave-dwellin' guy
"Dark" vexes and intrigue stayed the same

Two decades of depth charts and boasters
Of rankings written on beer coasters
The WFFL was a tent post
When things got fucked up the most
An underestimated loss, I raise a glass to my toasters